Sunday, July 6, 2008

Beach Blanket Congo

I WENT with a bunch of expats down to the Kinshasa Yacht Club (yes, indeed) this morning. There were no yachts per se in evidence. There were motorboats, however, and we took them out to an island in the Congo River where there's a very nice beach. And we had a very nice picnic.

In the afternoon a larger boat docked at the same island. Turns out folks from a new cell phone company were having an outing. Anyway, they brought along a troupe of Congolese singers, drummers, and dancers, who gave a great performance. See the photos and videos below.

Not accounting for the whole tube of sunscreen I used during the course of the day, the trip set me back $32. Not too bad. And a good time was had by all.

Check out this video, about 30 seconds' worth:

Here's another one, ten seconds' worth:


Unknown said...

"a whole tube of sunscreen?"
We blatinos need no sunscreen!! :P
Miss u, I'm drinking a diet coke!! ha, ha!

JDStaines said...

Very cool pictures. Well, except for the one of you and Dubya, though you at least look great (hitting the gym in San Francisco, I see). And I can tell you're using the sunscreen, ha-ha--we both need it on the scalp now, right?
Cheers :)