TOOK IN some of the local chow this week with, yep, those frolleagues.
Had plenty of fu fu, the blob of pounded cassava that's a staple in Africa, which is similar to ugali in Kenya. I've been thinking... If I were stranded on a desert island, which type of pounded cassava starch blob would I rather have, fu fu or ugali? But then I've been thinking, that's not really a fair question, as the answer certainly depends on the other food items that would accompany the cassavablob, as well as the various wines and other apperitifs that could be paired with aforementioned feast. So I'm not answering that one. Both, however, would definitely make great Ben and Jerry's flavors.
Pondu, a dish of greens, also courtesy of the cassava plant, is yummy. Had a good bean dish as well. Washed it down with a Vital, a Congolese soda that's red and tastes like bubblegum and has no relationship, as far as I can tell, to cassava. Though I don't really know.
And, in case you're wondering (hi, Matt R.), that plate of chicken and pondu with the side of fou fou, plus a Schweppes soda water, set me back 4 bucks.